Tuesday, April 15, 2008

Blogging stops here - For the mean time

This blog is temporarily out of order due to maintenance.

For the readers who frequent my blog, I am sorry to say there won't me any posts from the 15th to the 22nd of April as Amanda and myself will be in Melbourne.

BUT - We'll definitely be back with more pictures, stories and news! So stay TUNED!

P.S - But if Eddie (our kind friend who is willing to let us crash over his place) allows us to use his computer, we'll definitely upload some stuffs if we can.


Sucharita Sarkar said...

Thanx for visiting my blog. Enjoy Melbourne and may many posts be born after you return to your blog.

jyotsana said...

hi its been a long time since 22nd. where r u? meanwhile enjoying ur photographs.my affections to amanda....this liberty coz u said once that i reminded u of ur mom.

Sayani said...

so ....really i too agree with jyotsana


Sean Ong said...

woahh...cooll..didnt know you blog..